Section 6: Sample Reading Comprehension Questions Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) – Spanish (190)
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This section presents some sample exam questions for you to review as part of your preparation for the exam. To demonstrate how each competency may be assessed, sample questions are accompanied by the competency that they measure. While studying, you may wish to read the competency before and after you consider each sample question. Please note that the competency statements do not appear on the actual exam.
For each sample exam question, there is a correct answer and a rationale for each answer option. The sample questions are included to illustrate the formats and types of questions you will see on the exam; however, your performance on the sample questions should not be viewed as a predictor of your performance on the actual exam.
Reading Comprehension Section Directions
For this section of the exam, you will read several selections in the target language. You may need to scroll to view each selection in its entirety. Each selection is accompanied by a number of questions presented in the target language. For each question, choose the response that is best, relative to the selection.
Some selections include numbered words. Refer to the footnotes at the end of the selection for a definition or explanation of these words.
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You will have 70 minutes to answer all of the questions in this section. The timer in the upper right corner of the screen will indicate how much time is remaining.
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Domain II—Reading Comprehension
Competency 002—The teacher demonstrates the ability to apply literal, inferential, interpretive and critical reading skills to authentic materials written in the target language that are relevant to the bilingual classroom and the school environment.
Set #1
En nuestra calidad de padres, guardamos la esperanza de fomentar muchas destrezas y rasgos positivos en nuestros hijos. El pensamiento crítico, la capacidad de reflexionar profundamente sobre un tema o un libro, es una destreza esencial. El pensamiento crítico no se desarrolla de la noche a la mañana. Es algo que se crea y se va gestando por medio de la conversación y la experiencia. También es algo que los padres pueden fomentar al compartir libros de calidad con sus hijos.
A pesar de que su hijo de primaria puede ser capaz de leer por cuenta propia, la lectura compartida con usted sigue siendo tan importante como lo era cuando su hijo era más pequeño. La lectura en voz alta y en familia ofrece grandes oportunidades para enfrentar juntos los libros más desafiantes. Esos libros con capítulos más largos pueden tener tramas más complejas y vocabulario más exigente. El ir trabajando el libro capítulo por capítulo ayuda a enseñar la persistencia. Y al leer juntos, usted estará allí presente como una importante fuente de apoyo e información. Leer críticamente implica ir más lento y dedicar su tiempo a ayudar a su hijo a reflexionar sobre lo que ha leído.
Dependiendo del libro, la discusión puede consistir en hablar de lo que las acciones del personaje nos dicen acerca de su personalidad, o sobre cómo la configuración del libro es importante para transmitir el mensaje general. Esto podría significar brindarle ayuda a su hijo para que reconozca algo acerca de la trama y el conflicto que existe. También significa hacer más preguntas abiertas para las que pueden existir múltiples respuestas correctas.
Los libros de calidad le permiten a usted y a su hijo hablar sobre el libro en profundidad y en forma sustancial. Todo esto ayudará a su lector a desarrollar las destrezas para el pensamiento crítico que le durarán para toda la vida.
The article originally appeared on Colorín Colorado in 2010. Reprinted with permission and retrieved from:
1. ¿Qué afirma el artículo sobre el pensamiento crítico?
- Que no se puede desarrollar en una temprana edad
- Que se puede adquirir por medio de la lectura
- Que es una habilidad prescindible
- Que no es tan importante como la lectura
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- Option B is correct because at the end of the first paragraph in the article it is stated that parents can promote critical-thinking skills by reading quality books with their children. Option A is incorrect because the article discusses the fact that parents can start reading with their children to develop critical-thinking skills. Option C is incorrect because in the first paragraph of the article it is stated that critical-thinking skills are essential. Option D is incorrect because the article states that reading with your children is a way for children to develop critical-thinking skills. If critical-thinking skills are essential, then reading is as important.
2. ¿Cuál de las siguientes ideas se presenta en el artículo?
- Los padres piensan que el pensamiento crítico es una destreza innata.
- Los libros de calidad promueven el pensamiento crítico.
- El niño que lee por su cuenta debe seguir leyendo solo.
- El pensamiento crítico se adquiere gradualmente.
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- Option D is correct because in the first paragraph it is stated that critical-thinking skills are not developed overnight. They are developed over time through conversation and experience. Option A is incorrect because in the first paragraph it is stated that critical-thinking skills are built and later developed through conversation and experience. Option B is incorrect because it is not quality books that promote critical-thinking skills; it is the parents who read quality books with their children who promote critical-thinking skills. Option C is incorrect because at the beginning of the second paragraph it is stated that reading with your children even when they are able to read on their own is as important as was reading with them when they were little and unable to read on their own.
3. Según el artículo, ¿cuál es uno de los resultados de la lectura compartida?
- Comprender libros más complejos
- Leer libros con más diálogos
- Aprender a hacer preguntas abiertas
- Leer libros más rápidamente
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- Option A is correct because it is stated in the second paragraph that reading out loud with your children offers great opportunities to deal with more challenging books. Option B is incorrect because books with more dialogues are not mentioned as a result of reading out loud with children. Option C is incorrect because learning how to pose open-ended questions is not a result of reading out loud with your children; it is part of the process. Option D is incorrect because reading books quickly is not a result of reading out loud with your children. The result of reading out loud with your children will slow down the reading process.
4. ¿Con cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones estaría de acuerdo el autor del artículo?
- La lectura de libros de calidad requiere conocimiento previo del tema.
- El rol de los padres en el desarrollo de las destrezas de lectura es fundamental.
- La perseverancia se inculca leyendo un capítulo una y otra vez.
- Los padres tienen que seleccionar por cuenta propia libros para la lectura compartida.
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- Option B is correct because the main premise of the text is that parents should be reading to and with their children in order to improve critical-thinking skills as well as literacy skills. Option A is incorrect because although the text indicates that reading high-quality books is helpful, it does not say that understanding them requires having prior knowledge of the topic. Option C is incorrect because the text states that difficult books can be understood better if parents and children work their way through the book chapter by chapter, not by reading the same chapter over and over. Option D is incorrect because the text does not mention that parents need to choose the books that they read with their children.
5. ¿Cuál es el tema central del artículo?
- El pensamiento crítico ayuda en la lectura individual.
- El pensamiento crítico se desarrolla a través de la lectura.
- La lectura es una destreza esencial para los padres e hijos.
- El fomento de la lectura se desarrolla a través de la familia.
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- Option B is correct because the title of the article states that critical-thinking skills are developed through reading and this topic is discussed throughout the article from beginning to end. Option A is incorrect because the main topic of the article is not that critical-thinking skills are helpful for individual reading, even though that may be true in general. Option C is incorrect because the main topic of the article is not that reading is an essential skill for both parents and children, even though that may be true in general. Option D is incorrect because the main topic of the article is not that the development of the habit of reading is accomplished through the family. The focus is on the development of critical-thinking skills through reading in a family setting.
6. El tono del artículo es
- preocupante
- humorístico
- didáctico
- idealista
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- Option C is correct because the article is aimed at informing parents of how reading out loud develops critical-thinking skills; it explains to parents how that happens. Therefore, one can conclude that the tone is didactic. Option A is incorrect because the article does not convey worry or concern. It focuses on the benefits acquired through reading out loud. Option B is incorrect because there is nothing comical about the article. Option D is incorrect because there is nothing idealistic about the article. It is an article with practical information for parents.
7. El propósito del texto es
- cuestionar a los padres
- informar a los padres
- vender libros a los padres
- criticar a los padres
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- Option B is correct because the purpose of the article is to inform parents about the benefits of developing critical-thinking skills in their children so they can implement the ideas provided in the article. Option A is incorrect because the article does not question parents. From the beginning, it discusses the fact that all parents hope to be able to instill positive skills and ideas in their children. Option C is incorrect because the article does not make any attempt to sell books to parents besides saying that reading with children can help them develop critical-thinking skills. Option D is incorrect because the article does not criticize parents. It encourages them to read with their children to help them develop critical-thinking skills.
8. ¿En qué tipo de publicación sería más probable encontrar el artículo?
- En una antología literaria
- En un folleto de bienes raíces
- En un periódico deportivo
- En una revista educativa
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- Option D is correct because it makes sense that the article would appear in an educational magazine since it discusses a topic that is directly connected to education. Option A is incorrect because the article in question is not a short story, poem, or any other literary work, or review of a literary work. Therefore, the article would not belong in a literary anthology. Option B is incorrect because the article does not discuss or mention real estate. Therefore, the article would not belong in a real estate brochure. Option C is incorrect because the article does not discuss or mention any sports activity. Therefore, the article would not belong in a sports newspaper.
Set #2
Biografía de un ilustre poeta
Federico García Lorca, uno de los poetas más insignes, nació en Fuente Vaqueros, un pueblo andaluz de la vega granadina, el 5 de junio de 1898: el año que España perdió sus colonias. En 1909, toda su familia se estableció en la ciudad de Granada, aunque seguiría pasando los veranos en el campo, en Asquerosa (hoy, Valderrubio).
Más tarde, aun después de haber viajado mucho y haber vivido durante largos períodos en Madrid, Federico recordaría cómo afectaba a su obra el ambiente rural de la vega: "Amo la tierra. Me siento ligado a ella en todas mis emociones. Mis más lejanos recuerdos de niño tienen sabor de tierra. Los bichos de la tierra, los animales, las gentes campesinas, tienen sugestiones que llegan a muy pocos. Yo las capto ahora con el mismo espíritu de mis años infantiles. De lo contrario, no hubiera podido escribir Bodas de sangre".
En sus poemas y dramas se revela como agudo observador del habla, de la música y de las costumbres de la sociedad rural española. Una de las peculiaridades de su obra es cómo ese ambiente, descrito con exactitud, llega a convertirse en un espacio imaginario donde se da expresión a todas las inquietudes más profundas del corazón humano: el deseo, el amor y la muerte, el misterio de la identidad y el milagro de la creación artística.
Durante su adolescencia, Federico sintió más afinidad por la música que por la literatura. De niño le fascinó el teatro, pero estudió también piano, tomando clases con Antonio Segura Mesa. Su primer asombro artístico no surgió de sus lecturas sino del repertorio para piano de Beethoven, Chopin y otros. Como músico, no como escritor novel, lo conocían sus compañeros de la Universidad de Granada, donde se matriculó en el otoño de 1914, en un curso de acceso a las carreras de Filosofía y Letras y de Derecho.
El ambiente intelectual que rodeaba al joven estudiante era de una riqueza sorprendente para una ciudad provinciana. En la tertulia llamada "El Rinconcillo", del animado café Alameda, Federico se reunía con frecuencia con un grupo de jóvenes de talento que llegarían a ocupar puestos importantes en el mundo de las artes, la diplomacia, la educación y la cultura. Federico y sus compañeros hicieron una serie de viajes de estudios a Baeza, Úbeda, Córdoba y Ronda; a Castilla, León y Galicia; otra vez a Baeza; y un último viaje a Burgos. Estos viajes pusieron a Federico en contacto con otras regiones de España y ayudaron a despertar su vocación como escritor. Fruto de ello sería su primer libro de prosa, Impresiones y Paisajes, publicado en 1918 en edición no venal costeada por el padre del poeta. No se trata de un simple diario de sus excursiones, sino de una pequeña antología de sus mejores páginas en prosa. El joven poeta discurre sobre temas políticos — la decadencia y el porvenir de España, sus inquietudes religiosas, la vida monacal — y sus intereses estéticos, como eran el canto gregoriano, la escultura renacentista y barroca, los jardines o la canción popular.
9. Según el artículo, ¿qué elemento de la infancia de García Lorca marcó su obra?
- La estrecha relación con su familia
- La mudanza de la familia a Granada
- Los viajes que hizo a ciudades importantes
- Las temporadas que pasó en el campo
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- Option D is correct because the text states that García Lorca’s literary works were influenced by his experiences and memories of the time he spent in the countryside during his childhood. Option A is incorrect because although the text indicates that García Lorca’s family lived in Granada and Asquerosa, there is no information in regard to the influence that his family had on his writing. Option B is incorrect because the text does not mention that his family moving to Granada had an impact on his writing. Option C is incorrect because the text mentions García Lorca’s trips to cities and towns of Spain, but it does not say that traveling to important cities influenced his writing.
10. Según el artículo, ¿cómo se puede caracterizar el ambiente de las obras de García Lorca?
- Es un espacio cargado de emociones.
- Es un entorno de ensueño.
- Es un lugar lleno de imágenes sensuales.
- Es un conjunto de opiniones contradictorias.
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- Option A is correct because the text indicates that García Lorca’s works are full of human feelings, like desire, love, creativity, death, etc. Option B is incorrect because the text states that García Lorca’s works are based on emotions and his own experiences as well as his knowledge of Spain and its people, not that his works were based on a dream world. Option C is incorrect because the text does not include information related to the imagery in García Lorca’s works. Option D is incorrect because the text does not mention that García Lorca’s works included contradictory opinions.
11. Según el artículo, ¿a qué se debe principalmente la vocación de escritor de García Lorca?
- A los grupos de amistades que tuvo en la universidad
- A la lectura de obras de escritores de la época
- A los viajes que realizo por España
- A la decadencia de España
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- Option C is correct because the text states that the trips García Lorca took to diverse towns and cities in Spain when he was a university student were his inspiration for his first book. Option A is incorrect because the text mentions that García Lorca was surrounded by a group of talented and bright friends who later became leaders in different professional and academic fields, but it does not say that they were the reason why he started writing. Option B is incorrect because the text states that García Lorca had a talent for music and was academically inclined, but it does not include information about the influence that reading other contemporary authors had on his writing. Option D is incorrect because the text does not mention Spain’s decline.
12. ¿Cuál sería la razón más probable por la que el padre de García Lorca pagó por la publicación del primer libro de prosa del escritor?
- Porque era un libro que no incluía costumbres rurales
- Porque los temas que trataba el libro eran controversiales
- Porque los compañeros de viaje del escritor no lo apoyaron
- Porque el padre creyó en el talento de su hijo como escritor
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- Option D is correct because the text emphasizes that García Lorca was interested in music and literature since he was a child. In addition, he was very active intellectually while he was a student; therefore, one can conclude that his father supported García Lorca’s desire to write. Options A, B and C are incorrect because there is no content or information in the text to support these assertions.
13. ¿Qué se puede deducir acerca de García Lorca tras leer el artículo?
- Tuvo inquietudes artísticas desde temprana edad.
- Criticó las aspiraciones académicas de sus compañeros.
- Sintió gran curiosidad por el folclor de sociedades rurales.
- Ocupó un puesto diplomático destacado.
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- Option A is correct because the text states that García Lorca played the piano when he was a child and was a fan of the theater. Option B is incorrect because the text indicates that García Lorca was very fond of his fellow students and traveled with them. Option C is incorrect because the text mentions that García Lorca visited many towns in Spain, but it does not specify that he was curious about the customs and folklore of rural areas. Option D is incorrect because the text does not say that García Lorca was a diplomat.
14. ¿Cuál es el tono del artículo?
- Crítico
- Filosófico
- Sentimental
- Didáctico
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- Option D is correct because the main premise of the text is to inform about García Lorca’s writing and his early life and inspiration for writing. Option A is incorrect because the text does not include any criticism about García Lorca’s writing. Options B and C are incorrect because the text includes factual information in a very neutral tone.
15. ¿Cuál de las siguientes afirmaciones coincide con el contenido del artículo?
- García Lorca fue un gran aficionado a las artes plásticas durante su juventud.
- Sin su amor por el campo, García Lorca no habría escrito Bodas de sangre.
- García Lorca fue uno de los fundadores de la tertulia "El Rinconcillo".
- La familia de García Lorca permaneció en Asquerosa durante toda su vida.
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- Option B is correct because the text includes a quote from García Lorca indicating that he could not have written his book Blood Wedding without having a great love for the land, countryside, and rural folks. Option A is incorrect because the text does not state that García Lorca had an interest in the plastic arts during his youth. Option C is incorrect because the text indicates that García Lorca used to participate in social gatherings with other students to discuss current affairs, arts, literature, etc. But it does not say that he was a founder of the group. Option D is incorrect because the text mentions that García Lorca’s family moved to Granada in 1909 and spent summers in Asquerosa.
16. ¿Cuál es la finalidad del artículo?
- Describir la región en la que se crio un autor famoso
- Mostrar el éxito literario de un autor español
- Hacer una reseña sobre los años de formación de un autor
- Revelar los intereses políticos de un autor controversial
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- Option C is correct because the main focus of the article is on the first years of García Lorca’s life and education. Option A is incorrect because the text does not describe the region where García Lorca grew up. Option B is incorrect because the text does not include information on García Lorca’s success as a writer. Option D is incorrect because the text does not contain information on García Lorca’s political views.